Space is limited and will fill up fast! Have your credit card information available and check out quickly. Items in your cart does not guarantee a spot, once you complete your purchase and receive a confirmation, your spot is secured. If a family member or friend is registering on your behalf, please provide them with your child's grade, teacher name, address, and phone #. This information is required at the time of registration. You may register one student at a time. Thank you!!!
This purchase is non refundable.
Pick-up must be done promptly at 4pm.
Early releases prior to 4pm cannot be accommodated.
Partial class registration for a prorated rate is not an option.
In the unlikely event the class has to be cancelled, make-up date(s) will be offered, but refunds are not available if the make-up date does not work with your child's schedule.
If your child misses a class, there is no credit.